Tag Archive for: mentoring

Growing 7 Aspiring Small Businesses

This week saw the kick-off of our new group mentoring and collaboration program, Slipstream.

On Monday we welcomed 7 new and aspiring small business owners who for the next 6 months will be working together to make their products & services more compelling and their business more successful.

The topic of our first day was Innovation where we work-shopped how to make each businesses offering more unique and more compelling.   There were plenty of ideas around the table and everyone has taken away a number of actions, tweaking the way they package, promote & deliver their products & services.

For the next 3 weeks, the group will continue to work on this theme, checking in each Monday to report back on their progress so far.  Already we can see there are a lot of developments.  After just 3 days one participant has launched a new site and received his first client through that channel.  Another is in the process of embedding a unique differentiator into the way she delivers her services.

It’s hugely inspiring to see this group come together and collaborate, helping one another grow and develop each other’s’ business.  So much potential and we’re only half way through week 1 !

Next month, we’re going to focus on the next stage in the Slipstream methodology, Validation:  making sure you’re solving the real problem for the right customer.  We’ll be taking the group through the lean start up framework and testing their offer in their target market.


About Slipstream:

Slipstream is a 6 month group mentoring & collaboration program.  It’s designed for people who:

  • have aspirations to grow their business,
  • like the collaboration that comes from working with a group and
  • want the expertise and accountability that comes from working with a mentor

As a core principal, the program is based on a philosophy of success through teamwork and is delivered in a small group format of 6-8 participants, making the experience personal but affordable for small business.

To find out more or to receive a copy of the program outline, contact us here.