Growing 100 Organisations over 100 Days
At Board Associates, we believe in using entrepreneurship as a lever for change. We believe the best way to enable this is to drive strategy, leadership, accountability and growth in the boardroom.
In pursuit of our mission we’re offering $10,000 in free services to up to 100 organisations who have the potential to grow, innovation, inspire or create change in the world.
The Growing 100 Organisations Over 100 Days program has been made possible with the support of our delivery partners:
Digital agency and consulting: Your Digital Solution (yds)
Board portal platform: Process PA – move your board online
Video content & production: Pollymedia
This program supports organisations who have the potential for growth and impact through one or more of the following:
creation of jobs
development of new IP
new export opportunities
regional development
social or community outcomes
Nominations are open to organisations of all types including existing commercial companies, not for profits and scale ups.
Nomination is easy! If you or an organisation you know could do something great with the support of the right Advisory Board, nominate them via the online form here.
Nominations close 15 October and will be assessed at that time.
Nominees will be notified whether they were successful or not by email on 22nd October 2020.

Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and Chairman of a number of family and private enterprises, Matthew is the founder of Board Associates and specialises in innovation and strategic marketing.