Articles by Matthew Dunstan

Entrepreneur’s Shiny Ball Syndrome

The great thing about entrepreneurs is their abundance of innovation and ideas.  The bad thing about entrepreneurs is…their abundance of ideas. Often what stands in the way of growth is not the lack of opportunity but being distracted by too much opportunity. “The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do.— Michael Porter We […]

Reach for New Horizons

Did you know that on the ocean, the horizon is only 8 nautical miles away?  When my family and I crossed the Atlantic in 2011, rather than being awed by the expanse it felt like we were sailing in a bubble.  The same is true for many of us in life.  We live in a […]

Set a New Course for the New Year

6 THINGS YOU NEED TO REVIEW IN YOUR BUSINESS OVER THE HOLIDAY SEASON. The New Year period is typically a time when business slows down. It’s also the perfect time to work on your business rather than in it.  Now’s the time to plot the course corrections that will dial things up a notch in the […]

Drive progress in your business this week.

Since March this year, I’ve been hosting and facilitating accountability groups for people looking for a little more purpose and drive in their business each week. Seeing the amazing benefits it’s had, I wanted to encourage everyone to give it a go so have compiled a few tips and resources to get you started with your own […]

Challenge of the 1st Year

The vast majority of those who take the bold step out of employment will find their first year a challenge.  Part of it issue is financial pressure, but an even larger problem is the process of having to redefine everything:  your role, your day, your priorities, your professional persona – even your role at home. Ali […]

If Google is hiring 12 year olds, it must be right.

14 YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS TAKE THE STAGE. What do you get when you give 14 kids 4 industry leading mentors and put them in a room for 54 hours?  The next generation of inspiring young entrepreneurs, developing their craft at the age of 8! AUSTRALIA’S FIRST START UP WEEKEND FOR KIDS This weekend Rising Tide Ventures has […]

Benchmark Study: Living the Dream or Chasing It?

Recently we began a benchmarking study for small business, looking at whether or not owners were achieving the measure of fun, success & balance they were hoping for.  Here’s the upshot of the study so far: Aparently everyone is having a great time working for themselves but as expected, success has been ‘average’ as a […]

Growing 7 Aspiring Small Businesses

This week saw the kick-off of our new group mentoring and collaboration program, Slipstream. On Monday we welcomed 7 new and aspiring small business owners who for the next 6 months will be working together to make their products & services more compelling and their business more successful. The topic of our first day was […]

Square Your Shoulders, Take a Breath

We all go through periods when each day is a tough one.  At times like this, it’s easy to question our resolve, give up on our dreams and retreat to what is safe and known. It’s at these times you need to take a breath, square your shoulders and just put one foot in front […]