Articles by Matthew Dunstan

Budget Setting Is Like Renovating A House

Many of us lack any vision when it comes to renovating a house. The people on TV make it look easy but when we try, the result is just a slightly different version of the same house we’re already living in. The same principle can be applied to budget setting. Establishing a budget for next […]

Why Strategic Plans Fail

STRATEGIC PLANS ARE JUST LIKE NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS. THEY START, BUT NEVER FINISH.  We’ve all heard the word strategy many times in our careers. Strategy is believed to get us from Point A to Point B in a seamless transaction. Yet, one of the most common complaints is that strategic plans fall apart somewhere in […]

If You’re Failing To Plan Then You’re Planning To Fail

MOST STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSIONS FAIL. MOST STRATEGIC PLANS FAIL. At Board Associates we have a strong focus on strategic planning, from why it fails and how you can do a better job of it this year. Over the next few weeks we’ll be sharing our favourite tips and tricks, frameworks for strategic thinking and for […]

Half of Australian Businesses Underspend on Innovation

Most of us accept that innovation is imperative to business. It fuels competitiveness, profitability and feeds our entrepreneurial spirit. Unfortunately, though good intentions aren’t enough and the fact is that more than half of business owners spend less on innovation than they do on their annual grocery bill.  That’s not very innovative! “If you have […]

Growing 100 Organisations over 100 Days

At Board Associates, we believe in using entrepreneurship as a lever for change. We believe the best way to enable this is to drive strategy, leadership, accountability and growth in the boardroom. In pursuit of our mission we’re offering $10,000 in free services to up to 100 organisations who have the potential to grow, innovation, […]

Festina lente. Make haste, slowly.

 Wise words from Ryan Halliday, speaker on Stoic Philosophy author of “Ego is the Enemy” and “The Obstacle is the Way”, two books on our recommended reading list. In his podcast ( he shares an important lesson from leaders across history: there is such a thing as moving too quickly. The following from his blog […]

Are you Chasing the Wrong Success?

If you’re like most owners, you wake up thinking of your to-do list or all the places you have to be today. Your day continues in much the same way. You run from job to job, meeting to meeting, and at night you probably fall asleep with work on your mind. But is this living? […]

Board Portals for SMEs

Technology has long been used to drive efficiency in all corners of business but it’s been slower to make it into the boardroom. Traditionally, Board portals have been beyond the reach of most organisations but we believe we’ve found a solution that brings it back within reach. ProcessPA is an Australian start up which has […]

Corona Virus: To Do List for Business Owners

lf you are a Director of your company or someone else’s company these are difficult time for you. Here are things to think about: CASHFLOW Ensure the company is registered for the JobKeeper payments so you can keep staff on and receive this subsidy. Also ensure your BAS is lodged showing PAYG (if any) so you can receive the cash boost grant over the next 3 BAS quarters. Perhaps talk to your bank about suspending any loan payments for 5 months. A client applied one day and had it approved the next so the banks are moving fast on this. Check your cash flow forecast or projections (you should have one to review monthly) to see what the bank balance looks like for the next 6 months, including any government payments coming in. EMPLOYEES Manage your staff carefully and try to only stand them down rather than terminate. However with JobKeeper you should be able to keep them on the payroll at least. You do not want to have to find and train staff again when this is over. There are Fair Work considerations to take into account when considering the duties […]