Our Advisory Boards

Our Advisory Boards include relevant experts
who partner with you to drive long term growth.

Board Associates create a trusted Board of Advisors that support leaders in growing profitable, reputable and sustainable organisations. Made up of relevant experts, the Board of Advisors partner with owners to drive long term growth resulting in:

Increased Profits

Reduced Stress for Owners

Creation of Long Term Value

Perhaps most importantly, we provide a group of trusted advisors (who aren’t paid by the hour), providing an important sounding board and mentoring of the owner and executive team.

Why create a Board of Advisors?

In our experience, owners struggle with 3 things that impede the growth of their business:

Seeking Experience

They need more experience around the table to guide the next stage of growth (someone who’s been there before).

Seeking Finance

Their finances aren’t set up to facilitate growth.

Seeking Expertise

They don’t have access to independent experts to challenge thinking and drive accountability.

The Business Case for an Advisory Board

Advisory Boards drive growth in revenue and profit through:

  • Development of strategic plans for the future,

  • Financial analysis and oversight of the business

  • Ensuring appropriate risk management and compliance

  • Development of an exit or succession plan for the owner.